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North Hagerstown High LibGuide

WCPS Subscription Resources

Students can access the resources below on any day, at any time. If you are working inside a school building, you will not be required to input a username and password; however, if you are working online at home, you will need a username and password. Use this document to help log in to the databases and resources below and contact your media specialist for additional information.


Resource Resource Description
New York Times
  • Provides full access to New York Times and International New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, reviews and opinion, blogs, videos and more. is updated 24/7 with corresponding time stamps. 

  • Provides searchable, archived full access to NYT articles published between 1851 through 1922, and between 1981 through current day.



  • Portal to all CultureGrams editions: World, States, Kids, and Provinces.

  • Concise, reliable, and up-to-date reports provide cultural, historical and geographical information supporting a wide range of readers. Includes video clips and slideshows, a worldwide photo gallery, interviews with adults and children, and a unique recipe collection with five local recipes for each country. 

  • Create-your-own data tables and charts to help put dozens of facts into comparative perspective.

World Book Online

  • Includes all the articles from the print encyclopedia plus thousands of additional articles, learning resources, and research tools.

  • Includes encyclopedia, multimedia, e-book, and primary source databases along with lesson plans focusing on one or more primary source images.

  • Timelines - Hundreds of customizable, interactive timelines of important events throughout history.

  • Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos – encyclopedia in Spanish.

Gale in Context

  •  Designed for high school learners.

  •  Explore thousands of topics across subjects including literature, science, history, and social issues using different sources.

Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

  • Find overviews, news, and opinions on hundreds of today’s important social issues.

  •  Provides pro/con viewpoint essays, full-text journal articles, topic overviews, primary source documents, biographies of social activists and reformers, court-case overviews, statistical charts and tables, images, podcasts, web links and more.

  •  Text-to-speech technology is available on every page and documents may be translated into Arabic, French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean.

  •  Content correlated to national and state curriculum standards.

Gale Onefile News

  •  Access major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, data, or other fields.

Gale General Onefile

  •  Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource.

  •  Best for general research.

Gale Academic OneFile Select

  • Research academic topics ranging from art and literature to economics and the sciences.

  •  Ideal for smaller academic libraries.

Gale Literary Index

  • Search this digital master index that contains complete biographies on authors and critical essays on their writings in products published by Gale.

  •  This resource combines and cross-references author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and listings for titles of works into one source.

  •  Gale Literary Index provides quick and easy access to author and title listings from over 130 literature products from Gale and the imprints.

Gale Literary Criticism

  • Literature Criticism Online takes literature, history and culture to the next level with the largest, most extensive compilation of literary commentary available.  Contains centuries of analysis - the scholarly and popular commentary from broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books and periodicals - in an easy-to-use online format that matches the exact look and feel of the print originals.

Gale Presents:
Peterson’s Test & Career Prep


  • Search thousands of college and graduate schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests, create resumes, and explore careers.

National Geographic Kids

  • Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space.

  • Resource is aimed for children aged 6 - 14.

SIRS Discoverer

  • Multidisciplinary content covering areas such as history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies and technology.  

  • All content is 100% full text & selected from 2,200+ reliable, high-quality global sources. 

  • Access to the content features logical subject tree hierarchy, age-appropriate search/filter capabilities (including by Lexile range), streamlined results to help young learners connect with and comprehend content. 

SIRS Issues Researcher

  • Offers balanced content selections from more than 2,000 international sources and includes magazine articles, graphics, charts, maps, primary sources, government documents, websites, multimedia, and timelines. 

  • Analysis and opinions cover the pros/cons and everything in between of 360+ social, scientific, health, historic, economic, and political issues. 

  • Content includes engaging essential questions and viewpoint articles to help build a solid foundation for understanding complex global issues.  

  • Research guides organize a student’s research inquiry process.

  • Lexile reading levels and scores are included to support individualized instruction.

Databases powered by WCFL



  • Students can access all WCFL databases directly in school. At home students will need to use their RAIL card to login.

  • Learn one of over 70 languages and learn cultural insights and grammar with self-paced courses delivered through native speaker dialogue.

  • Contains original movies revealing the book creation process, audio excerpts of professional readings, and book guides and resources that span thousands of children’s, YA, and non-fiction titles.