The University of Toronto English Library web site provides excellent background information on Shakespeare's famous characters, Romeo and Juliet. This page features an essay on Romeo and Juliet by eminent literary critic William Hazlitt. You will gain insight and a deeper understanding of the characters and themes of Shakespeare's famous play. Famous quotations from the text of Romeo and Juliet are explained in the analysis of the plot. Find out why Romeo and Juliet is unique among Shakespeare's plays and why it has always been so popular.
The following articles (and others) are available through EBSCO's Literary Reference Center provided by the Washington County Free Library and may be accessed with a Washington County Free Library card number.
This essay treats the close relationship between sensation and dreaming in "Romeo and Juliet." In a play where a sterile and restrictive social language is far removed from the facts of inner life, Shakespeare introduces a startling alignment of cognitive understanding and felt experience through the many dream descriptions and visions that appear in his play.
The article presents an analysis associated with death, love and sex in the story of the Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare. The Shakespeare period after and before it bonds between sex and morbidity which has been affirmed with renewed vigor. The development of ideas of sex and death, explores the shadows or distorted shadow that cast by some of the visual tableaux. It centers the theme of life and death which it dominate the final scenario.
Explores the character role of Juliet in the play `Romeo and Juliet,' by William Shakespeare. Maturity level of Juliet; Analogy of falconry imagery to Juliet's control and domination of Romeo through feminine wiles.
William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" contains many time-cruces which have long puzzled scholars. Editors can't agree how many days the action covers. Why did Shakespeare make Juliet thirteen years old-and birth her on "Lammas Eve at night"—when the sources have her sixteen years of age or older and set her birthday in September? This essay provides the answer to these and many other conundrums.
Discusses the relation and meaning of Juliet Capulet's age in William Shakespeare's `Romeo and Juliet'. Early legal marriage of Elizabethan couples; Shakespeare's alteration of Juliet's age; Numerological meaning of her age and name; Time sequence of the play; Use of the time element to symbolize the prematurity of Juliet's age.