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Of Mice and Men

The Great Depression

"The Great Depression was a severe, world-wide economic disintegration symbolized in the United States by the stock market crash on Black Thursday, October 24, 1929. The causes of  the Great Depression were many and varied, but the impact was visible across the country. By the time that FDR was inaugurated president on March 4, 1933, the banking system had collapsed, nearly 25% of the labor force was unemployed, and prices and productivity had fallen to 1/3 of their 1929 levels. Reduced prices and reduced output resulted in lower incomes in wages, rents, dividends, and profits throughout the economy. Factories were shut down, farms and homes were lost to foreclosure, mills and mines were abandoned, and people went hungry. The resulting lower incomes meant the further inability of the people to spend or to save their way out of the crisis, thus perpetuating the economic slowdown in a seemingly never-ending cycle" (Great Depression Facts, FDR Library).

Learn more about The Great Depression