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Pleasant Valley Elementary LibGuide

General Schedule Information

Our schedule is a little different from most schools, so it is best to check with the front office or your classroom teacher if you have any library needs.  

  • The school librarian is part-time. 

  • The library is open for circulation and lessons every other day. 

  • Each class visits the library once every four days. 

  • All circulation takes place during library class time and before school. 

  • The library is open for circulation between 7:10 and 7:40 every other morning. 

  • Student Hours: 7:50-2:10

  • Teacher Collaboration Time: 2:35-2:45

Class Rotation Schedule Day 2

7:10-7:40      Open Library

7:45-8:35   3rd- VanReenen

8:35-9:25   4th- Poling

9:25-10:15   5th- O'Leary

10:15-11:40 Lunch/Planning

11:40-12:30 1st-Kelley

12:30-1:20 Kindergarten- Haney

1:20-2:10 Pre-K- Hoffman

2:35-2:45 Planning/Collaborative Planning

Class Rotation Schedule Day 4

7:10-7:40   Open Library

7:45-8:35   2nd- Graber

8:35-9:25   4th- Tribett

9:25-10:15   5th- Toms

10:15-11:40 Lunch/Planning

11:40-12:30 1st- Kehr

12:30-1:20 Kindergarten- Marrale

1:20-2:10 Pre-K- Peck

2:35-2:45 Planning/Collaborative Planning