The school library offers dependable access to current and digital resources which connects all students, including those with special needs, teachers, staff, and school leaders.
Intellectual Freedom
"Intellectual freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored." - American Library Association
"Intellectual freedom is the basis for our democratic system. We expect our people to be self-governors. But to do so responsibly, our citizenry must be well-informed. Libraries provide ideas and information, in a variety of formats, to allow people to inform themselves.
Intellectual freedom encompasses the freedom to hold, receive and disseminate ideas." - American Library Association
For more information, please visit the ALA website.
Admin. “Intellectual Freedom and Censorship Q & A.” Advocacy, Legislation & Issues, American Library Association, 20 Oct. 2017,
"The right to privacy – the right to read, consider, and develop ideas and beliefs free from observation or unwanted surveillance by the government or others – is the bedrock foundation for intellectual freedom."
Click here for more information regarding student privacy on the American Library Association's page.
Copyright is the legal protection given to the creator of literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.
What can be protected by copyright?
photographs web pages choreography
software books paintings
letters poems graphics
emails articles video games
sound plays songs
recordings movies …and more
If somebody created it and you can see it or hear it or pick it up, It’s probably protected by copyright!
Copyright law grants an author or creator of a work the legal right to control how his/her work may be used, published, reproduced, sold, repackaged, or distributed.
To legally use a copyright-protected work in any way other than how the author/creator intended, you must have permission or follow the Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines.
By following the Guidelines you may be able to legally use portions of copyrighted works.
Additional Resources
Fair Use allows teachers to use videos in the classroom for face-to-face instruction. Legal copies of videos must be used to support instruction. Copying and distributing of videos must not be done in any way.
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means:
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
to use (another's production) without crediting the source
to commit literary theft
to present a new and original idea or product derived from an existing source
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.
All of the following are considered plagiarism:
turning in someone else's work as your own
copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)
Additional Resources
Plagiarism -
Plagiarism Theme Page -
Web English Teacher – Avoiding Plagiarism -
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): Avoiding Plagiarism -
For help with citations and automatic citation generators, visit any of the following:
Word (has a built-in citation machine)
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
An AUP is an agreement that you signed in our student handbook at the beginning of the year. This agreement states that you will:
For more information, please refer to our handbook or the document below.
The school library media program is an integral part of the instructional process and is based upon the belief that all students, teachers, administrators, and support staff should have open access to resources and materials in a variety of formats to support teaching and learning as well as student pleasure reading activities. To ensure access to quality library media collections, a systematic plan for assessing and shaping library media collections is essential.
The school library media specialist will identify strengths and weaknesses in the collection based on the uniqueness of the school community and programs. Collection development requires constant analysis and is an ongoing process. The outcome will be a more effective library media program in support of the instructional goals of Pleasant Valley and Washington County Public Schools.
The Washington County Public Schools’ Library Media Collection Development Plan is a systemic plan which has been established to ensure quality collections in all of our elementary, middle, and high schools. This is an ongoing process that identifies strengths and weaknesses of the school library media collection in terms of meeting stakeholder needs and allows the library media specialist to demonstrate that:
funds are spent wisely,
the collection meets the information needs of the stakeholders, and the curriculum
the collection meets the independent, pleasure reading needs of the school. population
The Washington County Public Schools’ Library Media Collection Development Plan has four distinct components:
I. Analysis of School Library Media Environment
II. Assessment of the Existing Library Media Collection
III. Weeding and Removal of Unwanted Items
IV. Selection and Acquisition of New Materials
Solicit feedback from staff and students regarding the library media collection and whether or not it is meeting their needs. This may include a formal or informal survey, collecting recommendations/requests, analyzing interlibrary loan requests, and Follett Destiny collection analysis reports.
Read the shelves to ensure all materials are in the proper Dewey order prior to beginning the inventory process.
Conduct an inventory of the library collection (full, partial, or rolling) annually at a minimum.
Print a collection age report or other useful reports available within your Follett Destiny system (Reports tab- Library Reports)
Examine and determine what to keep and/or withdraw in accordance with the weeding guidelines provided here.
Weed different sections of the collection according to this Collection Development plan. Depending on changes in the curriculum, some sections may require more frequent assessment. The final decision to withdraw materials from the collection is the responsibility of the library media specialist, however, seeking teacher input may be helpful.
Delete the unwanted items from the Follett Destiny system.
Cross out/Remove any WCPS and school identifying marks including the barcode on all discarded materials. In addition, you may use a WITHDRAWN or DISCARD stamp.
Discard magazines and audiovisual materials directly into the trash.
Pack up withdrawn books into appropriately sized boxes and prominently mark them as DISCARD or WITHDRAWN. When preparing boxes for pick-up, please consider weight restrictions.
The Facilities/Maintenance Department handles the pick-up of these books twice a year (once in the fall and once in the spring). You will be notified via email when this will occur and how to notify the appropriate staff to get on the list. Store the boxes in an identified area known to you and your custodial staff until the pick-up dates are identified and the process begins.
Discarded materials should not be offered to students, outside agencies, or teachers for classroom use.
Use information collected in steps I and II of this process to determine focus areas for purchasing materials.
Identify specific titles for purchase according to the selection guidelines and criteria included here.
Purchase as many items as possible with cataloging provided (purchase or ask for free MARC records). Donated or gift items will need to be cataloged by the library media specialist through BestMARC unless another copy has already been cataloged within our library catalog.
Follow the directions for importing Follett MARC records provided in the WCPS Library Media Policies and Procedures Guide. Other vendor MARC records, or items that need original cataloging, must be checked first through the BestMARC utility (Directions for using this tool is also on the Libguide)
For questions regarding the ordering process or determining available barcodes/barcode ranges, please contact your assigned library media department mentor or supervisor.
The same selection criteria should be applied to gifts, donations, loans, rentals, free, and inexpensive materials. Professional selection aids, lists, and reviewing sources should be reliable and unbiased and should be used to assist in the selection and evaluation of resources. If there is any question about the curricular appropriateness of any resource, consult with the Supervisor of Instructional Technology and Library Media Services.
In addition to the general selection criteria, consider the following characteristics:
Illustrations and layout
Typestyle and text density
Paper quality
Durability of bindings
Readability and interest levels
Paperbacks are a less expensive way to supplement the school library media collection for duplication of titles, in-depth studies, special projects, and recreational reading. It is recommended that the first copies of picture books be hardbacks.
Magazines and newspapers support the curriculum and provide recreational reading. Professional review journals and library publications for instruction are available through the Supervisor of School Library Media.
Reference resources in print and online databases provide comprehensive information in both general and subject-specific areas.
Cost-effectiveness in terms of projected use
Arrangement and indexing
Ease of use
Non-print / Electronic Resources
When selecting non-print/digital resources such as DVDs, online databases, and computer software, the quality, accuracy, appropriateness, format, and cost should be considered.
Whenever possible, preview and evaluate non-print/digital resources. If a selected resource is too expensive or may be used infrequently it should be referred to the Supervisor of Instructional Technology and Library Media Services for possible purchase for countywide use.
Availability of network versions and site license agreements may be a factor in the selection of software. No software may be purchased and installed on WCPS computers before obtaining approval from the Instructional Technology Department. Contact the Supervisor of Instructional Technology and Library Media Services for the appropriate form and explanation of the approval process.
When selecting non-print, do not duplicate resources available from the digital media collection (Safari Montage).
When selecting online databases, do not duplicate resources already available for countywide use.
Copyright law requires that media intended for home use may only be used in the classroom with a direct curricular connection. (see section 9) In addition, R-rated videos are prohibited as stated in WCPS Board Policy I-IIBCB.
Non-print/digital resources should
Be approved by the Supervisor of Instructional Technology and Library Media Services
Be user-friendly.
Be relevant to the curriculum.
Present information that is accurate and reliably maintained.
Be well organized and include search capabilities and navigational tools
that enhance information retrieval.
Provide readable text, attractive graphics, and an appealing layout.
Occasionally a question may be raised about the appropriateness of school library media materials. Because the library media specialist may be the first person approached, it is important to listen and maintain a friendly and professional manner. Frequently the individual may only wish to discuss the material or present a point of view. The library media specialist should listen to the concerns, explain how materials are selected, discuss the reasons for diverse materials, and explain the procedure for reconsideration.
The following ideas may be useful in resolving questions or complaints:
1. It is the library media specialist’s responsibility to provide material on a wide range of topics, representing differing viewpoints, to meet the varying needs and interests of students.
2. Students borrow materials of their own free choice. The borrowing of materials is not mandatory nor is the borrowing of any specific titles.
3. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child’s selections, discussing the kinds of materials they consider acceptable and unacceptable.
4. If a student borrows materials that the parents find unacceptable, they may be returned to the library media center immediately and exchanged for other materials.
5. Materials should not be removed from the collection until the formal reconsideration process is complete. If after this discussion, the individual remains unsatisfied, the school principal should become involved in further discussion. The library media program supervisor may also speak with the individual. Even if the challenge does not require further discussion, the principal and the supervisor should be informed of the complaint. If the initial conversation does not resolve the concerns, the individual may file his/her objections in writing using the “Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials” form. Board Policy KEC/KEC-E governs the process and dictates that no material will be removed from a school library media collection without the proper procedures being followed. Within the Board policy, instructional resources are defined as Any instructional media used to teach a component of the curriculum including a book, textbook, and online/digital resource. This documentation may be found on the WCPS Library Media Policies and Procedures LibGuide: Collection Development.
Resources should be:
Appropriate for age, grade, and ability levels
School library media resources should be accessible to students of varied abilities and meet the informational and interest needs of all students, including those students with disabilities.
Pertinent to the curriculum and the objectives of the instructional program
School library media resources should be selected on the basis of curricular needs. Resources should reflect the identified learning outcomes of the instructional program.
Accurate in terms of content
School library media resources should present facts in an objective manner. The authority of the author, organization, or publisher/producer should be considered in the selection. Resources concerning human development should contain facts that are presented in a manner appropriate to the level of the students.
Free of bias and stereotype
Resources should reflect the basic humanity of all people and be free of stereotypes, caricatures, sexual bias, and other offensive characteristics. School library resources concerning religious, social, and political content should inform rather than indoctrinate.
Representative of differing viewpoints
Students have the right to information on controversial issues. By having access to a variety of resources, students will have the knowledge base to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The school library media center provides free and equitable access to information.
Appropriate in format to effectively teach the curriculum
School library media resources should be available in a variety of formats to meet the needs and learning styles of a diverse student population.
School library media resources should be assessed for the currency of the information as it relates to the content and purpose.
Cost-effective in terms of use
School library media resources should be evaluated for cost-effectiveness in terms of accessibility, projected use, and durability.
1. School library media materials should be provided to meet curricular needs and to meet the individual needs, interests, and learning styles of all students and staff.
2. The school library media specialist should provide resources and resource services that express diverse options.
3. Each item merits careful selection, both for its individual value as well as for its contribution to the overall balance of the total media collection. In dealing with sensitive and controversial issues, the following guidelines should apply:
a. School library media materials should focus on the basic humanity of all people and should be free of stereotypes, multicultural or sexual bias, and other offensive characteristics.
b. Human development and family life materials should be factual and presented in an objective manner appropriate to the maturity level of the students. Circulation of these materials is the responsibility of the individual school.
c. Religious materials should inform rather than indoctrinate.
d. Students have the right to information on both sides of an issue. The collection should include materials with diversity of appeal and the presentation of different points of view: ethnic, religious, political, and cultural. By having access to a variety of resources and viewpoints, students acquire critical thinking skills.
e. Two positive reviews are required prior to purchase, especially in the case of controversial subject matter. Reliable and unbiased professional selection aids, lists, and review sources should be used as guides.
4. Multicultural and special needs materials should promote understanding among people.
5. Physical and aesthetic characteristics should be considered in all school library media materials.
6. Titles in a series should be selected on the merit of the individual title, not the series as a whole.
7. Materials cited in the Washington County Public Schools’ curriculum documentation or the Maryland State Department of Education curriculum resources are automatically approved for purchase at the grade levels for which they are recommended.
Library Media Specialists are responsible for:
identifying and creating lists of materials to be purchased and communicating that information to Joni
notifying Joni when materials have arrived/orders are complete so that they can be received/paid within the Munis system
ensuring that materials ordered are appropriate, are of good quality, and meet other established criteria per our Policies and Procedures documentation
ensuring that correct processing (cataloging specifications, barcode ranges, et) information is on file with vendors.
See the Barcode Numbers section of the Follett Destiny Libguide page to learn how to assign barcode ranges to vendors in Destiny and generate lists of used or unused barcode ranges
ensuring that Joni receives all information in a timely manner so that established deadlines are met and invoices are paid
Outlined below are recommended steps for ensuring the accuracy of requisition entry and receiving.
Use online vendor services when available to create shopping carts or other lists of items. When online shopping services are not available, please scan any paper copies of lists, etc, and email them to Joni Patterson using the same naming convention suggested below.
When compiling book orders, please do two different shopping carts. One for books/other materials and a second cart for eBooks.
When creating magazine orders, please utilize the lists available on the LibGuide or directly from the EBSCO/Flipster site and email your list to Joni Patterson for a quote.
Save and name carts/shopping lists with school name, vendor name, and date so that it is easily identifiable (example: JHEFollettlListOct2020).
Email the shopping carts/lists and the completed requisition template to Joni Patterson.
Provide Joni with your login information for the vendor site (e.g. Demco or Follett/Titlewave) so that she can access your cart.
When ordered items arrive at the school, use the packing slip to indicate what has been received.
Keep in mind that eBook Orders only take a couple of days to be placed in your Destiny system for distribution to your FollettShelf.
Scan the packing slip and name the file in the same structure as requested above (JHEFollettPacking) to Joni Patterson by scanning and attaching it to an email.
If there are issues with any orders (missing or damaged items, incomplete orders, etc.) please include that information in the email accompanying the scanned packing slip.
School-based allocations will be calculated based on student enrollment figures and a standard amount per student. Schools that have significantly lower or higher enrollment amounts will have their allocation adjusted higher/lower to a minimum/maximum amount.
Elementary - $8.00 per student (schools receiving less than $2000 will be bumped up to that amount)
Secondary - $7.00 per student (middle schools receiving more than $5000 will be bumped down to that amount, high schools receiving more than $7000 will be bumped down to that amount)
School-based allocations should be utilized to purchase:
books (print or digital)
magazines (print or digital)
reference materials (print or digital)
materials to support LM or specific content area instruction
supplies/materials to support the management of the library media center and its materials
School-based allocations should not be utilized to purchase:
Equipment or furniture over $1000
Supplies (for example printer cartridges, laminating film, toner, etc) that are not specifically utilized for or by the Library Media Center
All WCPS Library Media Centers should be purchasing as many items as possible pre-processed through the vendors.
Automation System: Follett
Bar code symbology: Generic Code 39
no check digit
14-digits in length
Sample barcode structure:
The number 3, the 4-digit school code, the item number
Data format: MARC 21
852 holdings (the default holdings code with MARC 21 is 852, so don’t be concerned if the vendor does not ask you to choose between 852 and 949)
Do not remove the 13 digit ISBN or URL 856 information
Please have the vendors include the item price in the MARC record if available.
Remember that all text for call numbers should be in capital letters.
Subject Headings: Library of Congress (LC)
Fiction: FIC with first 3 letters of author's surname
Nonfiction: Class number with first 3 letters of author's surname
Individual Biography: 921 with first 3 letters of biographee's surname
Collective Biography: 920 with first 3 letters of author's surname
Easy Fiction: E with first 3 letters of author's surname
Short Story: SC with first 3 letters of author's surname
Foreign Language: Class number assigned by subject (no special coding) Reference: REF above class number with first 3 letters of author’s surname
Professional: PROF above class number assigned by subject
Ebook: EBOOK prefix above other call number information
SAMPLE Bar Code and Automation System Information (your prefix and barcode numbers will differ from the example below)
Barcode number range: starting number 32501000999000
Bar code symbology: Generic Code 39, 14-digit, no check digit
Bar code prefix: 32501
Bar code length: 14
Data format: MARC21
Maryland law (COMAR 13A.05.04.01 Library Services) states that each school library media program must have an organized and centrally managed collection of materials and equipment.
Inventory is the process by which holdings are checked against the cataloging system to determine if a resource is still part of the collection. The inventory process also assists in assessing the collection’s needs for development, enrichment, or weeding. The objective of inventory is to ensure that the catalog accurately reflects the collection. Whenever possible, inventory should not disrupt the school library media program.
Where the factors of time and size of the collection preclude taking a full inventory each year, it may be desirable to inventory a different portion of the collection each year. Over a period of years, the entire collection would then be inventoried.
The school librarian will inventory the library annually. This can be done at the librarian's discretion as long as the library does not close for this event. The inventory process must be completed by June 15th of each school year.
Mark the item LOST and set the amount owed. By the end of the school year, all overdue books must be declared LOST.
At the end of the school year, follow your school’s procedure to file an obligation.
Delete the LOST item from the collection when appropriate.
How long you allow the Destiny obligation to follow the student through your school is up to you.
If you forgive an obligation or receive payment and want to remind yourself or future librarians about the patron’s borrowing habits, add a brief note to the patron’s record indicating the lost item. Example: 2 lost items from BSE
Record all payments through Destiny.
If an incoming student has obligations from their previous school, make an attempt to collect the item or payment.
If successful,
Return the item or money to the previous school.
Make sure a check is made out to the previous school.
Record all payments through Destiny.
If not successful,
Add a brief note to the patron’s record (if not already there) indicating the lost item. Example: 2 lost items from BSE
Waive the fine amount in the patron record.
If a student leaves the county and has library obligations, follow your school’s procedure to file an obligation.
Mark the item LOST, and set the fine amount.
Delete the LOST item from the collection when appropriate.
Edit the patron record to remove the homeroom info.
If the item is returned, found, or paid for,
Update the school’s obligation records.
Update the patron’s account in Destiny to reflect the payment.
Manually delete the patron or wait for Destiny to auto-delete him/her.
If not returned, found, or paid for, wait one school year then delete the patron from Destiny.
If a graduating senior has library obligations, follow your school’s procedure to file an obligation.
Mark the item LOST, and set the fine amount.
Delete the LOST item from the collection when appropriate.
Edit the patron record to remove the homeroom info.
If the items is returned, found, or paid for,
Update the school’s obligation records.
Update the patron’s account in Destiny to reflect the payment.
Manually delete the patron or wait for Destiny to auto-delete him/her.
If not returned, found, or paid for, wait at least one school year then delete the patron from Destiny.
Mrs. Puffenbarger can always use an extra hand-shelving books. If you have some extra time and want to help out, be sure to contact her to set up a time. All volunteers will work under the direction of the school librarian and must follow all WCPS volunteer guidelines and expectations.
Any students who are volunteering must work under the direction of Mrs. Puffenbarger and follow all school rules. Student Service Learning (SSL) hours will be rewarded based on hours of volunteer time.
All volunteers must complete and submit the WCPS Volunteer Application and Information to the front desk before entering the library.
School library media specialists are the professional, certificated staff members charged with the daily operation of the library media program at the school level. They have the primary responsibility for the library media center functions (i.e., evaluation and selection; ordering and processing; utilization of media; organization of the library media collection; circulation of library media materials; production of original media; and management of instructional equipment), as well as providing instruction. In the execution of these functions, library media specialists must assume several distinct roles, including:
Leadership is integral to developing a successful 21st-century SLMP. As information literacy and technology skills become central to learning, the SLMS must lead the way in building 21st-century skills throughout the school environment. Doing so involves a willingness to serve as a teacher and a learner who listens to and acts upon good ideas from peers, teachers, and students. Leadership also requires increased professional commitment and thorough knowledge of the challenges and opportunities facing the profession. By becoming an active member of the local and global learning community, the SLMS can build relationships with organizations and stakeholders to develop an effective SLMP and advocate for student learning.
Instructional Partner
As outlined in Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning, the SLMS works with members of the school community to develop policies, practices, and curricula to guide student learning. The SLMS collaborates with classroom teachers to develop assignments that are matched to academic standards and include key critical thinking skills, technology, and information literacy skills, and core social skills and cultural competencies. The SLMS guides instructional design by working with the classroom teacher to establish learning objectives and goals, and by implementing assessment strategies before, during, and after assigned units of study. In a 24-7 learning environment, communication with classroom teachers and students now takes place virtually, as well as face-to-face.
Information Specialist
As an information specialist, the SLMS uses technology tools to supplement school resources, assist in the creation of engaging learning tasks, connect the school with the global learning community, communicate with students and classroom teachers at any time, and provide 24-7 access to library services. The SLMS introduces and models emerging technologies, as well as strategies for finding, assessing, and using information. He/she is a leader in software and hardware evaluation, establishing the processes for such evaluation to take place. Doing so requires frequent evaluation of the use of technology in the school library media center through regular data analysis. Expertise in the ethical use of information also remains a cornerstone of the SLMS's role as an information specialist.
Program Specialist
As program administrator, the SLMS ensures that all members of the learning community have access to resources that meet a variety of needs and interests. The implementation of a successful SLMP requires the collaborative development of a program mission, strategic plan, and policies, as well as the effective management of staff, the program budget, and the physical and virtual spaces. To augment information resources available to the learning community.
As a teacher, the SLMS empowers students to become critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. The SLMS supports students' success by guiding them to:
read for understanding, breadth, and pleasure
use the information for defined and self-defined purposes
build on prior knowledge and construct new knowledge
embrace the world of information and all its formats
work with each other in successful collaborations for learning
constructively assess their own work and the work of their peers.
The SLMS advocates for reading for pleasure and supports reading comprehension skills across all formats. By being conversant with new research about reading the SLMS can build a collection that reflects the needs of learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, and with diverse abilities and aspirations. A leading SLMS stays abreast of both national trends of popular reading material and student interests within the individual school community. He/She advocated for reading in all formats, such as graphic novels, periodicals, and online sources.
Technology Coordinator
As the Technology Coordinator, the SLMS is responsible for assisting teachers in integrating technology into their classroom and ensuring that the technology is working properly so as to not negatively impact instruction. The SLMS provides primary support for educational technology tools and assists with the general maintenance of all school technology resources. The SLMS is also responsible for disseminating technology-related information within the school and sharing, as appropriate, at various building/staff meetings. He/She advocates for technology tools and supports their use to further educational goals.
All librarians must follow the COMAR regulations and requirements to hold a school librarian position within WCPS.
All school librarians are held to the same standards as all other WCPS teachers. More information can be found here regarding the teacher evaluation process.
“Handbook for Library Media Specialists & Administrators.” Library Media,
“Library Media Collection Development Plan 2018-2024.” WCPS, Jan. 2019.
“Library Media Purchasing Process 2020-2021.” WCPS, 2020.
“Library Media Specialist.” Division of State Documents, COMAR,
“Library Media Specialist Handbook 2022-2023 .” WCPS, 2022.
“Processing Standards and Cataloging Specifics.” WCPS, 2014.
Rubisch, Pam. “Substitute Directions for Follett.” WCPS.
“Washington County Board of Education Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) For Telecommunication.” WCPS, 2010.
“Washington County Public Schools.” Volunteer Application and Information Form - Documents | Washington County Public Schools, 2015,
“Washington County Public Schools.” WCPS Teacher Evaluation Policy and Forms - Documents | Washington County Public Schools, WCPS, 2015,
“WCPS Library Media Policies and Procedures Guide: Collection Development.” LibGuides, 22 Sept. 2021,
“WCPS Library Media Policies and Procedures Guide: Staffing.” LibGuides, 22 Sept. 2021,
“Welcome to the WCPS Library Resources Portal.” Welcome to Washington County Public Schools, Follett School Solutions, LLC , 2022,
“What Is Plagiarism?” Plagiarismorg RSS, Turnitin, LLC, 2017,