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IBCP Reflective Project


This template is an example of a structure that you could use to organize your reflective project. 

Title Page

  • Your ethical dilemma research question should be written as the title of the project and centered in the middle of the page.
  • Your word count should be listed.

Table of Contents

The table of contents should start on a new page.

List each section of the project and what page it falls on.

I. Introduction

The introduction should start on a new page.

Consider including the following in your introduction:

  • Grab the attention of your reader with a statement about this issue.
  • What is the central focus of this project? What do you seek to discover about and element of your career pathway? 
  • Why is this issue and ethical dilemma important to you?
  • What career program are you in and why is this issue relevant to the career pathway?
  • Identify your ethical dilemma in form of a question.
  • Describe what methodology will you use to answer your ethical question. How and from where will you collect data to answer your ethical dilemma? 

II. The Issue in Context

Consider including the following information in this section:

  • Where is this issue most important? 
  • Who does this issue most concern? Who are the stakeholders? What are the different viewpoints/perspectives ? 
  • What is the local, national, international perspective on this issue? (This is about the issue as a whole—not about your ethical dilemma)

III. The Ethical Dilemma

The next section of your paper should discuss the ethical dilemma from different stakeholder's perspectives. This should be separated into two or three sections, depending on how many stakeholders/sides to the issue there are. 

A. Stakeholder 1 perspective paragraph

B. Stakeholder 2 perspective paragraph

C. Stakeholder 3 perspective paragraph

In each stakeholder paragraph discuss their perspective on the ethical dilemma and give several specific examples from your sources. 

At the end of each stakeholder paragraph, reflect on that stakeholder's viewpoint and validity.

Make sure that you have a balanced paper by giving equal time to each stakeholder's perspective and showing both sides of the ethical dilemma equally.

IV. Bias in Sources

You can also write a paragraph pointing out bias in any of the source material you have used.

Does the author gain personally or financially from the publication?

Other biased factors? 

V. Cultural Implications

  • Provide a summary of the international/cultural implications of the issue.
  • Make a clear connection between your ethical dilemma and its cultural implications.
  • Discuss elements of culture that apply to your ethical dilemma

Explore social and cultural differences based on cultural identity and how these differences may lead to different perspectives.

Look for differences related to, for example:

  • History – time period and conditions under which a group migrated or immigrated
  • Social Status Factors – education, occupation, income, age
  • Ethnicity 
  • Gender
  • Geographic location
  • Value Orientation – standards or morals by which members of a culture judge their personal actions and those of others
  • Language and Communication – Verbal and Nonverbal
  • Family Life Processes – gender roles, family dynamics
  • Healing Beliefs and Practices – attitudes and beliefs about health
  • Religion – spiritual beliefs and practices
  • Diet/Foods – preferred food eaten by groups
  • Clothing – types, styles, and extent of body coverings

Not all of these elements of culture will be relevant to your ethical dilemma, but try to relate at least two of them to your issue.

VI. Conclusion

Consider including the following information in your conclusion:

  • What did you learn through this process?
  • How will you apply this learning to a career in this pathway? (this should mirror the introduction)
  • How did your views change as a result of completing this project?

Works Cited

  • Start a new page for the Works Cited page.
  • Title the page Works Cited, and center it.
  • List all sources used in your paper alphabetically in MLA format.
  • Format the page to be double spaced with hanging indents.
  • See the Citing your Sources section of this site for more information.