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IBCP Reflective Project

Assessment Criteria

The below assessment criteria information can be found in the Reflective Project Guide.

Criterion A: Focus and method

  • identify an ethical dilemma related to your career-related study
  • clearly state your ethical dilemma in the form of a research question 
  • your paper should clearly address the research question
  • your paper should stay focused on the topic throughout the project
  • show evidence of excellent planning of research and identifying appropriate and varied sources of information
  • understand potential bias and validity of your sources and limit the use of biased sources

You can earn up to 6 points in this section.

Criterion B: Knowledge and understanding in context

  • evaluate the ethical dilemma and identify how the issue might affect different people in different ways
  • show a deep understanding of dilemma and the perspectives of the stakeholders involved in the issue
  • provide some context and background information about the ethical dilemma
  • explain how the issue relates to your career-related studies and why it is important to discuss the issue
  • uses both local and global examples of the issue in a well integrated way
  • analyze the impact of ethical dilemma on community members
  • analyze how cultural perspectives can influence the ethical dilemma 

It is very important to show and analyze different perspectives in your reflective project. It is not enough to describe different perspectives; you must explain why the perspectives are different.

When looking at the different perspectives of the ethical dilemma in your reflective project, make sure you adopt a balanced approach. Also make sure you examine the “for and against” of each perspective.

This criterion assesses your awareness and understanding of the impact of the issue on the community.
Community could be defined as your local neighborhood, your town, your city, even your country or it could be your religious community or your ethnic community.

This criterion asks you to demonstrate an awareness of how culture can influence perspectives on the ethical dilemma of the issue. This criterion is broadly interpreted to allow students to explore social and cultural differences based on cultural identity and how these differences may lead to different perspectives.

This allows you to look for differences related to, for example:

  • age
  • ethnicity
  • gender
  • history
  • language
  • location
  • nationality
  • religious beliefs
  • socio-economic background

You can earn up to 9 points in this section

Criterion C: Critical Thinking

  • present a clear and convincing discussion of issue and ethical dilemma, interpreting and applying evidence to draw inferences
  • your conclusions should be thoughtful and draw on the arguments and evidence presented throughout paper 
  • use a wide range of well-chosen evidence
  • make insightful connections between ideas throughout the paper

You are to collect evidence related to the issue and the ethical dilemma. The grade you get for your reflective projects is, to a large degree, dependent on the quality of the research done and the information gathered to support your arguments and points of view. That is why it is crucial that you search for data relevant to the issue of your reflective project. You also need to show critical judgment when using sources—the first source of information that you come across may not be the best one. Be prepared to seek out multiple sources of information.

You can earn up to 12 points in this section.

Criterion D: Communication

  • make sure your paper is easy for the reader to clearly understand
  • your paper should have a clear structure that supports the understanding of your ideas and arguments
  • use appropriate terminology to support your ideas

The reflective project should have a logical structure. Your project should have a clear beginning, middle and end. You could, for example, write an introduction that outlines the issue, identifies a research question and outlines the ethical dilemma. The middle section of your reflective project could explore the ethical dilemma in detail including different perspectives, as well as your own reasoned point of view supported by research and other evidence. Your conclusion could include a reflection on your personal views.

You can earn up to 3 points in this section.

Criterion E: Engagement and Reflection

  • reflect on your decision making and planning
  • discuss your ability to respond to setbacks you experienced during the research process
  • communicate a high degree of intellectual and personal engagement with the subject and the research process
  • show initiative and/or creativity in the student voice.

This criterion asks you to give your opinion. This could include a personal view on the issue itself but most definitely you should give your view on the ethical dilemma that underpins your research question. You must draw on your research and evidence to support your personal view and also present a well-reasoned argument to justify your personal view. You are trying to persuade the reader to accept your position. Make sure the reader clearly understands your viewpoint.

You may find that after researching and exploring the issue you have changed or strengthened your original opinion or that you have arrived at an unexpected conclusion. This is because your reflective project has led you down new paths. This means that you are reflecting while you are writing your reflective project.

As you're starting your reflective project, be aware of your initial point of view. Then later in your reflective project, discuss in your conclusion whether your initial viewpoint has been confirmed or whether it is completely different as a result of your reflective project journey.

You can earn up to 6 points in this section.